Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Timisoara Hilarities

This is from my contact in Romania. My mind wonders if the crimes being committed against the children are a matter of sheer stupidity or blatant evil. This situation should be ample proof for all the Socialists in America on how a country can be ruined and a people suffer as a result of Socialism.

Here's a classic. From the truly ludicrous and ridiculous to the "sublime" (that last word is obviously tongue in cheek). It is so typical of life here.

Some good friends (ROMANIANS!) who have adopted several children in the past just received a request from the local Timis DPC to gather together the mountain of paperwork necessary so that this family could continue to keep their latest child in "incredintare" (perhaps in this case the parents are deceased since that is the only way "incredintare" can be given under the new law). Not that there were any problems. Just re-do the paperwork on your own time and at your own expense. The unspoken but implied threat being, but if you don't we're gonna take the child.

Now the fact is that they've had this child in their family for about 5 years. Of course the DPC wanted our friends to come into Timisoara (30 kms distance) at their own expense. They don't have a car and were supposed to come with all paperwork done and in hand -- and believe me, that would have entailed at least days of work if not weeks, and probably half a month's salary for a Romanian. Such is the effect of the new law such that it makes adoptions by Romanians extremely difficult. And it results in the harrassment of those families who have cared for or adopted children in the past, to the detriment and the ignoring of scores of thousands of other children without permanent families.

Generally, all this would be typical daily Romanian bureaucracy. But now, even the following new "sublime" form of ludicrous is all too common these days.


OUR FRIENDS ADOPTED THE LITTLE BOY ALMOST 4 YEARS AGO!!!!! He's not in "incredintare". They didn't even have the name right on the paperwork. The final and definitive sentence was handed down over three and one half years ago! He's not in "incredintare". HE'S BEEN ADOPTED INTO A PERMANENT FAMILY AS OF ALMOST FOUR YEARS AGO!

Our friends will be writing a letter of response explaining the situation with case numbers, etc. (Please note that once again the family who has helped is being burdened once again to prove their innocence and to work [unpaid] for the DPC. Notice how the DPC seems to be concentrating on previous stable situations instead of working harder on getting the unadopted children adopted.) Of course our friends will tell them, "Your records are so far off and behind and that's not our fault. And yet you still want us to do work for you??!!??" Ridiculous!

Such is life here. And especially after the new law went into effect.


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