Washington watches adoptions in Romania
Washington watches adoptions in Romania
The US State Department is still expressing concern about the child adoption and child protection systems in Romania. This is the announcement made byMaura Harty, Under Secretary of State in the US, after the Helsinki Commission had questionings on international adoptions in Romania onWednesday. The US Embassy in Bucharest provided the information.
For a long time now the US government has been insisting so that the Romanian government would rapidly elaborate a legal and transparent system to analyze hundreds of solicitations for adoptions sent to Romanian authorities by legal means, before the new adoption law elaborated in 2004 and got to be used starting with January 1st, 2005. The latter law bans international adoptions, except for those by grandparents. Harty opined the new law was so restrictive that it only did harm to children and the families supposed to protect them. Harty outlined that there still were children living in childcare institutions, which was not at all a solution.
Harty also opined: "After much talk and years of consulting, the truth is that no real progress has been made."
The US official concluded that US would continue efforts so that "abandonedand orphaned children in Romania would have the future they deserve."
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Jack, let your passion for the subject guide you. What I like about the blog is that I can either be creative, or as is the case most of the time, provide documentation of crisis that is largely ignored by the media and world in general.
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