Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Adoptive parents are not "child traffickers"

Letter being sent to the full House on 2/15/06.

Adoptive parents are not "child traffickers"

The EU's Baroness Emma Nicholson's consistent and inflammatory false allegations against adoptive parents and adoption advocates have been instrumental in Romania's now active ban on inter-country adoption. Sign onto the letter below to Secretary Rice requesting that she send a letter to several EU leaders, protesting the Baroness' continued damaging attacks on adoption and requesting they take action. (See attached for some of the Baroness' comments.)

Please contact Melissa Clement with Rep. Jo Ann Davis to sign on by COB Friday.

melissa m. clement
legislative assistant
office of rep. jo ann davis (va)
1123 longworth house office building
(202) 225.4261

The Honorable Condoleeza Rice
Secretary of State
U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20520-0001
Dear Secretary Rice:
We would like to bring your attention to the damaging effect false allegations by Baroness Emma Nicholson, European Union VP of Foreign Affairs and Shadow Rapporteur for Romania, have had on the welfare of Romanian children, and those American families seeking to adopt them.

As you know, inter-country adoption is now banned in Romania, and 1,100 pending cases that were left incomplete due to the ban are now under review by the Romanian government. It is most likely these cases will not be finalized. It is not a coincidence that these actions were taken following four years of countless false accusations by Baroness Nicholson appearing in print and television. Among these misleading statements included accusations of adoptive parents' involvement in trafficking in children, sexually and physically abusing adoptive children, "baby buying" and "buying" their adoptive children off the internet, selling adoptive children's organs and body parts, and claims that adoptive parents are unfit to adopt in their own countries and consequently go to Romania.

Most recently, the Baroness has gone even further. During the week of February 6, 2006, news reports appeared in Romanian newspapers and televisions news programs with claims that inter-country adoption advocates were members of organized crime, were attempting to prevent Romania from joining the European Union, and that these "advocates" were also terrorists. (Note attached articles.) Lastly, Baroness Nicholson has accused pro-adoption advocacy groups to be well-funded, well-paid, professional lobbyists, when in actuality, these groups, such as "For the Children SOS," are composed of concerned adoptive and "waiting parents."

We are greatly concerned with the damage these inflammatory remarks will have on the Romanian and European citizens who hear them, and worse, believe them. More over, we are worried about the devastating effects this will have on those Romanian children who are waiting to be adopted.

We respectfully request that you send a letter to the following leaders, protesting the Baroness' continued damaging attacks on adoptive parents and requesting that they take action: Josep Borrell, President of the EU; Ursula Plassnick, Foreign Minister of Austria; Jose Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission; Benita Ferrero-Waldner, European Commissioner for External Affairs; Javier Solana, High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy; Olli Rehn, EU Enlargement Commissioner; and Ambassador John Bruton, EU Ambassador to the U.S.

Thank you for your attention to this very important issue. We respectfully request your timely consideration.



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