Wednesday, May 10, 2006


From Jurnalul National Thursday April 27, 2006.

By: Irina Cristea

Yesterday, the European Parliament exchanged impressions with Commissioner for Expansion Ollie Rehn, with regard to the preparedness of Romania and Bulgaria for entry into the EU. The debate provoked some friction between various groups that were represented at the meeting.

Even though it all began with the appearance of a show of force between the European Parliament and the European Commission, as well as diverse other political groups, it was discovered that surprises can arise at any moment. In the conditions in which the program could include discussions about international adoptions and minorities, it would be obvious that there would be tension. By chance, or perhaps not by chance, the day before waves were made with respect to international adoptions. Many Europarliamentarians asked that the strict Romanian law have a little more flexibility. Also, in the same day a letter was circulated in which Ollie Rehn was accused of closing his eyes to the existence of problems. Romanian Euro-Observers who were present at the debate don't believe there is any reason for concern. Marian Jean Marinescu declared, "Concerning the problem of international adoptions; this has already been dealt with by the European Parliament long ago. And it does not have any ties to Romania's integration into the EU."


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